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- I made a similar survey a couple of years ago and it was published in few
- diskmagazines. This year I am going to make a similar survey, but this time
- I want it to be more specific. I would appreciate if you could fill this
- form and either send it to me, or if we have a common contact, send this to
- him, and he'll pass it over to me. Try to answer all questions, and please,
- no funny comments.
- I am sure that some of you out there are also interested in who we,
- Amigians, really are. In generation#24 there was puplished survey which
- came to conclusion that an average scener is 21 years old and owns
- A1230/50mhz. Even though this fits perfectly to me, I want to go deeper.
- So, please fill the form, and pass it to your contacts. Remember, more
- sheets I get, the more accurate this research is!
- _________ ______ _____ ______ ____________ _________
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- Mark gadgets with an X.
- Personal
- --------
- 1) Handle :
- 2) Group :
- 3) Age :
- 4) Function:
- 5) Address :
- 6) Overall lifestyle...
- ( ) I have a job ( ) I go to school ( ) I'm unemployeed
- Hardware
- --------
- 7) What is your configuration(EX=Blizzard A1230/50mhz/18mb) (model/cpu/mem)
- Please also state your turbocard's model, if found.
- :
- 8) Are you going to purchase more hardware in future?
- ( ) CD-ROM ( ) More Memory ( ) Monitor ( ) Turbocard
- ( ) Scanner ( ) GFX-card ( ) Soundcard ( ) Sampler
- ( ) Printer ( ) CD-Writer ( ) Other:.................
- 9) Do you have Internet access?
- ( ) Yes ( ) No
- Software
- --------
- 10) What utility/tool you use most?
- :
- 11) Is it bought, registered, PD or cracked?
- ( ) Bought ( ) Registered ( ) PD ( ) Cracked
- 12) Are you intend to BUY commercial games in near future?
- ( ) Yes ( ) No
- 13) Do you usually register Shareware software that you use often.
- (MUI, ExoticRipper, HippoPlayer etc.) Please mention which ones.
- ( ) Yes ( ) No Registerations:...................................
- Misc.
- -----
- 14) How many Amiga contacts you know(by mail/IRC)
- ( ) 0-10 ( ) 10-20) ( ) 20-30 ( ) 30-40 ( ) More than 40
- 15) Now that the powerfull "Super Amigas" are being manufactured, do you
- think Amiga could again be the leading homecomputer, in next ten years?
- ( ) Yes ( ) No
- 16) Have you ever even seen an Amiga working on a 040 or 060 processor?
- ( ) Yes ( ) No
- 17) How would you descripe your nativeland from Amiga-users point of view.
- Is there enough software/hardware available in your country? And is
- it easy to get your hands on these products.
- ( ) No hard- or software available at all.
- ( ) Hardly anything, but some older/used wares are available.
- ( ) Can be bought in nearest big city.
- ( ) Can be bought by ordering it from retailers only.
- ( ) Anything is available in my homecity.
- 18) Do you think that an Amiga can do just the same things as a PC does,
- you just need the same hardware (gfxcard, more memory,accelerator)
- ( ) Yes ( ) No
- 19) What kind of music do you like?
- :
- Amiga Scene
- -----------
- 20) How many years have you been in scene?
- ( ) 1-2 ( ) 2-3 ( ) 3-4 ( ) 4-5 ( ) More than 5 years.
- 21) Have you had any experience with any other platform than an Amiga?
- ( ) Spectrum ( ) C64/C128 ( ) Atari ( ) Mac ( ) PC
- ( ) No, only Amiga. ( ) Other(s):.........................
- 22) Ever thought about selling your Amiga and moving on to PC?
- ( ) Yes ( ) No
- 23) If yes, what is the reason for this odd behaviour? (PC does better...?)
- :
- 24) Do you think that demo groups have gone too far with their demands. I
- mean, you need at least 030/50mhz to watch a demo in decent speed
- novadays.
- ( ) Yes ( ) No, demos SHOULD be 030+ only.
- 25) When you vote, what is the most important part of the production?
- ( ) Design ( ) Music ( ) Graphics ( ) Coding
- ( ) New Effects/great ideas ( ) Overall impression
- 26) In a whole, do you think that the scene even needs charts? They are all
- the same from year to year anyway...
- ( ) Yes ( ) No
- 27) How many hours per day you use your Amiga?
- ( ) 1-2 ( ) 2-3 ( ) 3-4 ( ) 4-5 ( ) More than 5 hours.
- 28) Does Phase 5 rule or what? ;-)
- ( ) Yes
- 29) Isn't Bill Gates the ugliest son of a bitch on the face of earth?
- ( ) Focken eeh!
- Thank you for answering! Now send it to me by mail:
- The Hooligan/Freezers
- Mikko Virtanen
- Urpupolku 6a17
- 15240 Lahti
- Finland
- ps.I might choose randomly somebody who will win a small prize, so it's
- worth answering :-)